10 Jul
Posted in: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Editorial
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Home Visits

Mahmud recounts that on July 11th the friends gathered in the home of Juliet Thompson: “`Abdu’l-Bahá encouraged them to hold as many meetings as possible. `Promise each other’, He said, `to visit one another’s homes so that it may be the cause of promoting love and happiness.’ After His eloquent discourse, sherbet and sweets were served and then He left the meeting.”

To say that much can be learned from the Master would be an understatement of epic proportions and the accounts of His life abound in examples of true home visits and the manner in which we should visit one another’s homes. My favorite story of a home visit takes place in Oxford. Hasan Balyuzi’s book on the Master quotes both Lady Blomfield’s account and Mahmud’s diary in order to pen a portrait of the scene that occurred:

The visit to Oxford was one of notable interest. The meeting between ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the dear, revered higher critic, Dr. T. K. Cheyne, was fraught with pathos. It seemed almost too intimate to describe, and our very hearts were touched, as we looked on, and realized something of the sacred emotions of that day.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá embraced the Doctor with loving grace, and praised his courageous steadfastness in his life’s work, always striving against increasing weakness, and lessening bodily health. Through those veiling clouds the light of the mind and spirit shone with a radiant persistence. The beautiful loving care of the devoted wife for her gifted, invalid husband touched the heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. With tears in His kind eyes He spoke of them to Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper and myself on our way back to London: “She is an angelic woman, an example to all in her unselfish love. Yes, she is a perfect woman. An angel.” 


Mahmud writes:

On arriving at Oxford the Master first went to visit the above-mentioned professor and conversed with him with utmost kindness. And he showed the Master his writings about the Faith, which he was continuing despite his illness. In the condition that he was in he was expressing his faith and assurance with great fervour. His attitude of belief and attentiveness so moved the Master that He, several times, kissed him on the head and on the face, and kept caressing his head. 



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