‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Refinement
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines refinement as the action or process of refining,[1] which is to free from impurities, unwanted material or from moral imperfections.[2] ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that “in every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt […]

Vignettes from the Master’s Visit to Montreal
The celebrations of the Centenary of the visit of the Master to Montreal finished only two days ago, on 12 September 2012, commemorating a visit notable for the intensity of its press coverage1. As readers of The Journey West know, […]

The Spiritual Destiny of America
Bahá’u’lláh announced the arrival of the age of maturity for the entire human race, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke of the important role every nation has to play in achieving it. Growing up, as we all know, is no easy thing (hello, […]

The Nature of Unity
One of the first things often shared about the Bahá’í Faith is the principle of unity; children sing about it, junior youth try to understand it, and young and old alike join together in study circles to learn how to […]

Address to a Women’s Suffrage Meeting
Today questions of the utmost importance are facing humanity … One of these questions concerns the rights of woman and her equality with man. One hundred years later, these words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá might feel archaic. But one only needs to […]

Talk at the Brotherhood Church
Bahá’u’lláh’s revelation is, in its essence, meant to help us fulfill our raison d’être — that is, to know and to worship God. As He is an unknowable essence above our understanding, it is only logical that we humans must […]

The Spirit of Transformation
About a month ago, Bahá’ís around the world celebrated their new year. Naw-Rúz, which translates from Persian to “new day”, is referred to by Bahá’u’lláh as “a festival unto those who have observed the Fast.”(1) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explained that this “sacred […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Prayer
On 26 December 1912, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a short address at 97 Cadogan Gardens in London during which He answered two questions: “Should prayer take the form of action?” and “What is the purpose of our lives?”. Prayer was at the […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Means of Existence
One of the most important principles of the Teachings of Baha’u’llah is: The right of every human being to the daily bread whereby they exist, or the equalization of the means of livelihood. A talk given in Paris on the […]