‘Abdu’l-Bahá and faith
“As ye have faith, so shall your powers and blessings be,” the Master said to the very first group of Western pilgrims visiting Him in Haifa in 1898[1]. Also during His travels in the West, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke of the […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Prayer
On 26 December 1912, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a short address at 97 Cadogan Gardens in London during which He answered two questions: “Should prayer take the form of action?” and “What is the purpose of our lives?”. Prayer was at the […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Power of the Holy Spirit
On 18 November 1911 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explained the 11th principle of His Father’s teachings: The Power of the Holy Spirit: In the teaching[s] of Bahá’u’lláh, it is written: ‘By the Power of the Holy Spirit alone is man able to progress, […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Equality of Sex
…in the two lower kingdoms of nature we have seen that there is no question of the superiority of one sex over the other. In the world of humanity we find a great difference; the female sex is treated as […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Non-Interference of Religion with Politics
2012 is set to be a year filled with political fervor as citizens in several countries including France, the United States, Germany, and Egypt will vote in presidential elections. Individuals from all walks of life will engage in an important […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Universal Peace
In His talk on Universal Peace, the eight principle of the Bahá’í Teachings, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá elaborates on His Father’s assurance that unity and universal peace will be established in the future. He explains two very ‘practical’ measures needed in order to […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Equality of Men
We live in a time where there is a great call for equality amongst human beings, but what does this principle of equality actually look like when translated into reality? During His Paris talk on the seventh principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Four Kinds of Love
What a power is love! It is the most wonderful, the greatest of all living powers. Throughout several of His discourses ‘Abdu’l-Bahá talks about love, explaining to us that all the Manifestations of God have brought us the message of […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Means of Existence
One of the most important principles of the Teachings of Baha’u’llah is: The right of every human being to the daily bread whereby they exist, or the equalization of the means of livelihood. A talk given in Paris on the […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Abolition of Prejudices
Prejudice is a complex reality. In the dictionary it is defined as “an adverse opinion or learning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge.” This definition accurately describes the basic meaning of the concept. The greater complexity, however, arises […]