Paris Talks Revisited: The Unity of Religion and Science
There is no contradiction between true religion and science. When a religion is opposed to science it becomes mere superstition: that which is contrary to knowledge is ignorance. These words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá could almost end the discussion on whether or […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Religion Ought to the Cause of Love and Affection
The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men. Throughout His discourses in Paris, […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Unity of Mankind
Following His address on the first principle of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Master then describes the second principle, namely the unity of mankind. He begins by stating how we are all equal: “All men are of one family; the crown […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Search after Truth
On 10 November, 1911 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke about the first principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings: the Search after Truth. He explained the principle primarily in the context of religions claiming to be the exclusive keepers of truth and emphasized that we must […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Holy Spirit
A prayer that is dear to me is the one in which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá speaks about the transformation of souls, using the metaphors of moths becoming royal falcons, and brooks becoming seas. Such powerful imagery! What is it that transforms souls […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Relation Between Man and God
What is the relation between man and God? I find this to be a ‘big’ question because, as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains, God is the Infinite, the Unknowable: Things which are understood by men cannot be outside their capacity for understanding, so […]

Paris Talks Revisited: Beauty and Harmony in Diversity
I wonder how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s talk on the 28th of October 1911 stood in contrast with the widespread and generally accepted nationalistic and racist ideas of the time. While we have made progress since then in letting go such ideas, the ways […]

Podcast 9: No True Happiness and Progress Without Spirituality
On November 21, 1911 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a talk on true happiness and progress saying, I want to make you understand that material progress and spiritual progress are two very different things, and that only if material progress goes hand in […]

Paris Talks Revisited: The Two Natures in Man
As humans, we are, or should be, well-accustomed to the two sides of a coin. Objective and subjective; literal and figurative; justice and mercy – these are a few examples of dual processes that surround our lives. This is not […]

Paris Talks: The Last Meeting
Upon thinking about this talk, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s last talk in Paris, I am inclined to think about nature. His understanding of the grand architecture of life itself is evident as all attending are gently consoled and encouraged. It feels like the […]