New Podcasts Posted
Sorry for the delay! Many exciting things are happening for the friends here at the Journey West. Our senior editor is Sonjel is having a baby soon and Lorraine recently got married! Please accept our apologizes for the late podcasts. We […]

Podcast 27: Departure
This week’s podcast centers around Abdu’l-Bahá departure, featuring two separate accounts of this day from the perspectives of Juliet Thompson and Howard Colby Ives. Also hear the Master’s farewell address aboard the SS. Celtic on December 5, 1912. Production Team: […]

Podcast 26: Sacrifice
The Journey West podcast takes a second look at the journey of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá through North America by review the following passage from Shoghi Effendi: Who knows what thoughts flooded the heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as He found Himself the central figure […]

Podcast 25: Message for Baha’is in the West
In this episode of The Journey West podcast we follow ‘Abdu’l-Bahá back to the East coast with a soundtrack by our regular contributor Mitch Doran and end the show with a message for the Baha’i’s of the West given by […]

Podcast 24: International Peace
This week’s podcast features the story of Thornton Chase, the first American Bahá’í, and his sudden passing in September 1912. Listen to accounts about this occasion as well as poetry written by Mr. Chase. The second segment of the show […]

Podcast 23: Scientific Advancement
‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave many public addresses at universities, however His talk at Standford University in October 1912 makes a direct connection between the responsibility of science and its connection to world peace. He also talks openly about His father, Baha’u’llah, a feature […]

Podcast 22: Journey Across America
By September ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was making His way to California. This journey took most of the month and added many cities to His American tour. Production Team: Ivan Mihoci, Mary Okonkwo, & Lorraine Sherrill Music: Afshin Toufighian Guests: Jim Traub, Jenna Polk, Aaron Dahm, Afshin […]

Podcast 21: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Canada
On the evening of August 30, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá arrived at the Maxwell home. He spent a total of 6 full days in Montreal, Canada giving several private and public talks. In a Tablet addressed to the region he says, The future of Canada […]

Podcast 20: Materialism
During this weeks podcast we hear a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Green Acre on the topic of materialism, plus a feature about Fred Mortensen’s journey to meet him there. Production Team: Ivan Mihoci, Mary Okonkwo, & Lorraine Sherrill Music: Afshin Toufighian […]

Podcast 19: Literal Interpretation & Prayer
During ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s travels through the United States He stayed a brief time in Dublin, New Hampshire. This week’s podcast features a brief story of a luncheon held there, as well as a talk given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on literal interpretation and […]