Podcast 18: Party Politic 2
On July, 23 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a talk on the topic of politics at the Hotel Victoria in Boston. There were variety of people present at this talk, including journalist who quoted Him on the purpose of His visit. I came for […]

Podcast 17: Extremes of Wealth and Poverty
On June 28th 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Baha hosted a Unity Feast at the home of Roy Wilhelm, this weeks feature is an account from that day. The second half of the podcast is a talk by the Master on the topic of […]

Podcast 16: Motion Picture
On June 18, 1912 a motion picture was made of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacNutt. This week’s podcast features the account of J. G. Grundy of that event, as well as a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá […]

Podcast 15: Party Politic
It was during the month of June 1912 that the Master declared New York the City of the Covenant. This week’s podcast feature is an excerpt from Juliet Thompson diary as she describes that overwhelming power the Covenant, along with […]

Podcast 14: Gender Equality
On May 20, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke at a woman’s suffrage meeting at the Metropolitan Temple on Seventh Avenue and Fourteenth Street in New York city. He stated that “In reality, God has created all mankind, and in the estimation of God there […]

Podcast 13: Temple Dedication
On May 1, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá laid the corner stone for the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in the West. He states that, “an edifice or temple is to be built in order that humanity might find a place of meeting, and this is to […]

Podcast 12: Race Unity
On April 23, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a talk on race unity at Howard University in Washington D.C. He explained that “In the realm of existence colors are of no importance…Rather, colors are the cause of the adornment of the garden […]

Podcast 11: Arrival in America
On April 11, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá arrived in New York City, His first stop during His travels in the United States of America. Production Team: Ivan Mihoci, Mary Okonkwo, & Lorraine Sherrill Music: Afshin Toufighian Guests: Rory Cunningham, Michael Mastry, Janis VandenDool, Tjireja […]

Podcast 10: Journey to America
On March 25, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá boarded the S.S. Cedric, due to arrive in New York City April 10th. Production Team: Ivan Mihoci, Mary Okonkwo, & Lorraine Sherrill Music: Afshin Toufighian Guests: Sepehr Fanaeian, Doug Moore, & Rory Cunningham http://media.blubrry.com/thejourneywest/p/www.thejourneywest.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/25_3_1912_Journey_to_America.mp3Podcast: Play in […]

Podcast 9: No True Happiness and Progress Without Spirituality
On November 21, 1911 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a talk on true happiness and progress saying, I want to make you understand that material progress and spiritual progress are two very different things, and that only if material progress goes hand in […]