Biography: Marion Jack
I grew up hearing the story of “General Jack” – the name ‘Abdu’l-Bahá used to call Marion Jack — and how, at the end of her life and in spite of the danger of living in Bulgaria during the Second […]

Biography: Phoebe Hearst
When I visited the House of Abdullah Pashá in ‘Akká as a pilgrim, I reflected on the importance of that first group of pilgrims from the West who were the guests of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in that beautiful house. It was a […]

The Marriage of Louis and Louisa Gregory
‘Abdu’l-Bahá stirred up a revolution on race relations when visiting America in 1912 at a time of many restrictions for African-Americans. He rarely criticized others or over-emphasized any tenants of the Bahá’í Faith except His insistence on race amity and equality of […]

On Board the S.S. Cedric
On March 30th, the S.S. Cedric left Naples on its journey to America, leaving behind a heart-broken boy of fifteen who always “remembered this episode with sadness”. Aboard the ship ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s heart ached — one can hardly imagine how much […]

The Dismissal of Shoghi Effendi
The S.S. Cedric approached Naples, Italy after nearly two days of sailing from Ramleh, Egypt. Mahmúd-i-Zarqání, taken by the wonder of the beauty of that sight and enamoured by the presence of the Master, wrote in his diary: When the […]