Podcast 16: Motion Picture
On June 18, 1912 a motion picture was made of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacNutt. This week’s podcast features the account of J. G. Grundy of that event, as well as a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá […]

The Motion Picture of the Master
Picture an age: an age where film is still in its early years – is still considered quite a novelty — and since its inception, it hasn’t disappointed us as a potent magnet to all sorts of creeds and philosophies. […]

Address to a Women’s Suffrage Meeting
Today questions of the utmost importance are facing humanity … One of these questions concerns the rights of woman and her equality with man. One hundred years later, these words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá might feel archaic. But one only needs to […]

Podcast 14: Gender Equality
On May 20, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke at a woman’s suffrage meeting at the Metropolitan Temple on Seventh Avenue and Fourteenth Street in New York city. He stated that “In reality, God has created all mankind, and in the estimation of God there […]

Peace Conference at Lake Mohonk
“Head of New Religion of Peace Is Picturesque Figure at Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference” — The Superior News Tribune “Peace Preacher is Picturesque Figure”– Aberdeen Washington World These were some of the headlines which reflected the eager anticipation of the conference attendees to […]

Talk to the International Peace Forum
World Peace is defined as “an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare”. How narrow is our vision of such a noble goal, the mission […]

Podcast 13: Temple Dedication
On May 1, 1912 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá laid the corner stone for the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in the West. He states that, “an edifice or temple is to be built in order that humanity might find a place of meeting, and this is to […]

Biography: Corinne True
Hand of the Cause Corinne True (November 1, 1861- April 3, 1961) is best known for her unparalleled contributions to the building of the Wilmette Temple. As the Master called this temple the “Mother temple of the West”, Corinne True […]

Dedication of the Mother Temple of the West
A hundred years ago on May 1st, “‘Abdu’l-Bahá, standing before an audience several hundred strong, lifted a workman’s axe and pierced the turf covering the Temple site at Grosse Pointe, north of Chicago”. This day was extremely important for the […]

People of Prominence
The 1910s are considered the era of change or coming of age in America and with this maturity came many inventors, social change agents and firsts for the country. It was during this renaissance that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá visited America. He met with […]